our fun filled week.....
We go visit the Ellis G parents (Gmas bday)....enjoying a lovely visit....Michael runs around being a goof as usual.....playing with Uncle Unk....turns to run.....trips on shoe....bonks head on chair.... Mom (aka me) goes to pick up crying child thinking to self "here's another lovely bruise on this poor kids head".....picks up child....flips him over.....Mom (aka me again) freaks because there is a stream of blood coming from my little guys head (mind you....first time seeing blood coming from my child)..... runs to kitchen....grabs napkins.....stops bleeding....notices a hole in childs head.....And so it goes....my poor little munchkin had to get his first ("first of many" was what all the nurses kept telling me) stitches! A total of 7 stitches in his little head! What a horrible experience that was....its a long story....I won't bore you all with the details....but all I can say is we went up to Primary childrens and lets just hope that we didn't come home worse off ! Honestly there was children everywhere....puking....rashes....hacking away....burning up with fever...broken bones......it was awful! Anyways I just kept thinking we were going to end up coming home with some nasty illness.....but....so far so good....this all took place on tuesday and we are all alive and well! ps. horrible to watch child scream and cry and yell ma ma the whole time he's getting stitched up....I wouldn't recommend it!
2nd story of the week....
So Kami hair? Heard of it? Hair salon across the street from what used to be Cottonwood Mall.... anyways my cute little sister has been working there as receptionist for I think about 2 years! I get a call on friday from my sister (who is supposed to be working) telling me to come pick her up.....I was all What? aren't you working?......that when she goes on to tell me that they had just gotten robbed! Mind you....my sister is the RECEPTIONIST.....as in if Salon gets robbed that means she's the source to get the money! AHHHHH! Turns out two men came in.... Erica was busy rescheduling a client.....man leans over counter and says this is a robbery give me all the money.....Erica hands over all the money she has in the till.....which is a whooping $130.....robber demands more....Erica says there is no more.....he flashes her a gun......she says that there is no more and shows him there is no money in the other drawers in the desk! The other robber man is going through the clients purse that was resheduling...she had no dough on her.... one other client up front not knowing what was going on and looking the other way got hit in back of head by robber for no reason! Anyways then they took off.....with there whooping $130 dollars! Now my poor sister has been tramatized for life because of these dirty rotten buttheads....scary huh?
pictures to come
Sunday, May 25, 2008
One WiLd and CrAZy week!
Posted by eMiLy at 9:19 PM 6 comments
Labels: s
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I added a few more frames on my etsy...check them out! I've been a slacker I need to get crackin!
Posted by eMiLy at 3:43 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Host
Posted by eMiLy at 3:39 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
In Loving Memory!
Today was the four year anniversary of the passing of my dear mother! She means the world to me and I miss her like crazy! Love ya mom! Michael and Grandpa cleaning the headstone! Good work boys.....is it bad my father just had a double hernia operation 2 days ago and we had him down scrubbing while we all huddled in a blanket to stay warm? Ya I thought so
Fitting to have a ghost with us at the cemetary
Posted by eMiLy at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
TwiLiGht TrAiLeR!
Ok your all probably sick of my twilighting obsession problem....but the teaser trailer is now online....a MUST see.....its FREAKIN SWEET! check it out
Posted by eMiLy at 6:55 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
The Tufts and Grandma....can't get much better then that!
Michael and Jilly are excellent organist.....need a musical number for church...you know who to call my cute grandma!
me and my cute bestest pal keen!
my second husband / cousin Jeffery! (read zoo blog below)
Father and son...how precious!
Posted by eMiLy at 6:21 PM 1 comments
Just a cute pic of Michael these two pics cracked Erica and I up....its my homie baby!
its Mikeizil fo-shizle!
I liked his face in this....ignore me!
Posted by eMiLy at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Zooing it up with the Tufts!
Thanks to our cute friends/relatives the Tufts for allowing Michael and I to join them on a fun trip to the zoo....special thanks to Jeffery for allowing me to tag along when I'm husband-less.... which makes me look like Jeffs second wife (you know you love it Jeff)! cute Jilly and Michael....
they loved chillen in the wagon.....I need to get me one of those!
Michael enjoying the peacock!
this is what he did the whole way home.....he was reading the zoo map....it was so funny...I have it on video!
Posted by eMiLy at 6:03 PM 1 comments
BoOk AdDiCt!
Ok so I'm trying out something new here.....I have a problem with books.....I LOVE THEM! And I get obsessed.....even if the book isn't the greatest I can't put it down till I'm done.....and then when it is good....its even worse....I will stay up at night, I get nothing done around the house, I deprive my husband and child! Kev very well may have to put a gun to my head to get me to stop reading at times! Anyways my point being I don't want to give up my love of reading...soooooo......I have found a solution...... I have found through the library you can download books to your mp3 player (SCORE!) so I'm trying it out....I just figured it out and got my first book downloaded! YEAH! I figure this is a way to get off my buttocks and get stuff done and still be able to enjoy a lovely read! We'll see how this goes!
ps. I need something good to read.... something fabulous....any good reads anyone wants to share would be muchly appreciated!
Posted by eMiLy at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
Yes Kev I'm obsessed....I admit it!
new promo pic...those other ones I posted previously were supposedly test shots....so here is the real deal..... they've done sooo good...I can't believe I ever thought otherwise!
Posted by eMiLy at 3:41 PM 0 comments