Friday, February 15, 2008

hApPy VaLenTinEs!.....or was it???

So Valentines Day! Where do I begin....full of love and happiness and precious moments! Ya not so much.... we were faced with one of the grumpiest monsters on Valentines....can you guess who? We met Kev for lunch at Johnny Carino's (which by the way is heavenly...) and we could hardly enjoy the meal because someone kept throwing tantrums! Then afterward I took him to the store and he had to push the stroller around and got extremely angry when we had to stand in line and I wouldn't let him push the stroller into the people in front of us!! Luckily when we went home he took a good long nap so I could get Kev's valentine gift done. So your thinking oh a long nap...he should wake and be re-energized and happy.... I know I sure thought that! Well I'll tell you what the pictures down below were taken after the nap...they explain it all!

So this is the face we got all too familiar with this Valentines day!

It sure is cute though!

We did capture this precious moment... although Michael looks as though putting a smile of his face was a little painful!

Happy Valentines Day to my boys!! I love you both so much!


Steve.Jeana.Preston said...

Hey Emily!
I love your blog!! Michael is DARLING!!!! It will be fun to see you guys soon...and that is awesome that Kev got his picture with Jeff! Steve was jealous :0)